1 | League | 10/19/2024 | West Coast United | Phoenix Yuva | Phoenix Yuva won by 9 Wickets (D/L) | West Coast United: 347/10(39.3) Phoenix Yuva: 278/1(27.3) |
2 | League | 10/19/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | SJ Demons | Phoenix Ashes won by 26 Runs | Phoenix Ashes: 255/9(45.0) SJ Demons: 229/10(39.1) |
3 | League | 10/12/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | Phoenix Yuva | Phoenix Ashes won by 51 Runs | Phoenix Ashes: 237/10(38.1) Phoenix Yuva: 186/10(37.4) |
4 | League | 10/05/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | SJ Demons | SJ Demons won by 7 Wickets | Phoenix Yuva: 228/10(43.1) SJ Demons: 231/3(20.5) |
5 | League | 09/28/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | Phoenix Ashes | Phoenix Ashes won by 2 Wickets | Phoenix Yuva: 214/10(42.3) Phoenix Ashes: 215/8(25.5) |
6 | League | 09/22/2024 | SJ Demons | Phoenix Yuva | SJ Demons won by 365 Runs | SJ Demons: 564/6(45.0) Phoenix Yuva: 199/9(45.0) |
7 | League | 09/14/2024 | CA Eagles | Phoenix Yuva | Phoenix Yuva won by 3 Wickets | CA Eagles: 187/10(32.4) Phoenix Yuva: 188/7(28.5) |
8 | League | 09/08/2024 | Nation of Demons | Phoenix Yuva | Nation of Demons won by 291 Runs | Nation of Demons: 409/8(45.0) Phoenix Yuva: 118/9(23.2) |
9 | League | 09/07/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | CA Eagles | Phoenix Ashes won by 35 Runs | Phoenix Ashes: 381/7(45.0) CA Eagles: 346/10(41.5) |
10 | League | 08/25/2024 | SJ Everyoung | Phoenix Yuva | SJ Everyoung won by 262 Runs | SJ Everyoung: 390/9(45.0) Phoenix Yuva: 128/10(28.0) |
11 | League | 08/17/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | Hayward Lions | Phoenix Yuva won by 42 Runs | Phoenix Yuva: 215/10(42.1) Hayward Lions: 173/10(37.2) |
12 | League | 08/10/2024 | Nation of Demons | Phoenix Ashes | Nation of Demons won by 70 Runs | Nation of Demons: 314/10(45.0) Phoenix Ashes: 244/10(37.3) |
13 | League | 08/03/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | SJ Everyoung | SJ Everyoung won by 5 Wickets | Phoenix Ashes: 200/10(40.4) SJ Everyoung: 204/5(32.4) |
14 | League | 08/03/2024 | Nation of Demons | Phoenix Yuva | Nation of Demons won by 171 Runs | Nation of Demons: 324/7(45.0) Phoenix Yuva: 153/10(26.4) |
15 | League | 07/21/2024 | West Coast United | Phoenix Yuva | Phoenix Yuva won by 6 Wickets | West Coast United: 311/10(40.0) Phoenix Yuva: 312/4(33.3) |
16 | League | 07/20/2024 | CA Eagles | Phoenix Ashes | CA Eagles won by 46 Runs | CA Eagles: 367/8(45.0) Phoenix Ashes: 321/10(42.5) |
17 | League | 07/14/2024 | West Coast United | Phoenix Ashes | Phoenix Ashes won by 8 Wickets | West Coast United: 303/8(45.0) Phoenix Ashes: 307/2(31.1) |
18 | League | 06/29/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | Hayward Lions | Phoenix Ashes won by 260 Runs | Phoenix Ashes: 381/8(45.0) Hayward Lions: 121/10(23.0) |
19 | League | 06/23/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | SJ Everyoung | SJ Everyoung won by 6 Wickets | Phoenix Yuva: 224/10(43.5) SJ Everyoung: 227/4(20.5) |
20 | League | 06/16/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | Hayward Lions | Hayward Lions won by 1 Wicket | Phoenix Yuva: 164/10(34.4) Hayward Lions: 165/9(34.1) |
21 | League | 06/15/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | SJ Demons | SJ Demons won by 8 Wickets | Phoenix Ashes: 302/10(42.1) SJ Demons: 303/2(36.2) |
22 | League | 06/09/2024 | Phoenix Yuva | CA Eagles | CA Eagles won by 8 Wickets | Phoenix Yuva: 186/10(29.4) CA Eagles: 191/2(19.0) |
23 | League | 06/01/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | West Coast United | West Coast United won by 5 Wickets | Phoenix Ashes: 333/5(45.0) West Coast United: 334/5(41.5) |
24 | League | 05/12/2024 | Phoenix Ashes | SJ Everyoung | Phoenix Ashes won by 61 Runs | Phoenix Ashes: 326/7(45.0) SJ Everyoung: 265/10(35.1) |
25 | League | 05/05/2024 | Nation of Demons | Phoenix Ashes | Nation of Demons won by 63 Runs | Nation of Demons: 270/7(45.0) Phoenix Ashes: 207/10(41.1) |
26 | League | 04/27/2024 | Hayward Lions | Phoenix Ashes | Phoenix Ashes won by 6 Wickets | Hayward Lions: 219/8(45.0) Phoenix Ashes: 220/4(28.0) |